Huifeng Umbrella Co.,Ltd.

A leading umbrella manufacturer since 1987

Custom Umbrella Printing: A Good Way To Advertise Your Business

Custom Umbrella Printing

Custom Umbrella Printing

Hit two birds at the same time with custom umbrellas printing to advertise your product or service; at the same time, be sheltered from the rain! In modern times, with competing products elbowing their way in market, all ads gimmick are used. On rainy or sunny days, umbrellas are the most needed accessories. People used them and they are seen all along the streets and with your ads.

Custom umbrellas printing are best for advertising display of your business or service. They attention-getters for possible customers and are extraordinary way in promoting products appropriate varied environments. A PVC base can be used to mount them or use sand or soft soil since many models include thumb locks allowing clients in adjusting angle and height of advertising umbrella.

Benefits of using umbrellas for ads

  • Inexpensive – Do not bore deep hole in your pockets.
  • Efficient – No hustle in promotion.
  • Flexible – Can be used in a variety of ways.

Custom Umbrella Printing

Things to remember while buying customized umbrellas for promotions

  • Customer type

In buying umbrella you intend to use for promotions, you have to consider many factors. Analyze the recipient’s needs. Are you promoting a school, a youth club or a group of young people? If so, you need bright colored fashionable items that youngsters love. While promoting a professional company or business, opt for dark and formal colored custom umbrellas. Give lots of thoughts to your audience to whom you will be handling these items. Find the best model that matches their needs. Select something your clients will be proud to display and use. This is the best way for you to catch your customers as often as possible and remind them about your product or services.

  • Features

Consider variety of features in custom umbrellas printing. Consider things like the ease in opening and closing, impact of the imprint area and the type of shaft material. Study some auto-open features that many users find attractive. Aluminum shaft custom umbrellas are portable and long-lasting, while shafts made of wood or fiberglass are ideal for stormy weather.

  • Discounts

Look for manufacturers that give good discounts when you place a big order. Mass promotion is always ordered in bulk and gets good deals and discounts.

  • Size and Type

It is easy to find various shapes and sizes to match the specific needs of your customers.

  • Weather Type

The weather of the city where you have your business is a good factor to consider in ordering custom umbrellas printing. Colored and small ones are wise choices in places where the sun shines during most of the year. For areas prone to gust and heavy rains, get the anti- wind variety. Your customers will be using your umbrellas of they are right for the weather.

Steps to customize umbrellas for ads

  1. Concept development – Submission of logo and other specifications for custom umbrellas printing ads.
  1. Creative designs – Several designs of ads submitted to client for selection.
  1. Printed samples – Before final printing, sample submitted to client for approval.
  1. Custom umbrellas are now ready to be given out to customers of client.

Custom umbrellas printing make a great choice for promoting a business. Umbrellas used among the best options to be used as vehicles for ads

Purchase custom umbrellas from the best source. Be proactive and go now to visit –!