Huifeng Umbrella Co.,Ltd.

A leading umbrella manufacturer since 1987

How To Buy Umbrellas From Alibaba Website


Do you need umbrellas for your next brand publicity event? If that is the case, you are probably searching for ways to order them in bulk.

The Alibaba website is an easy way to order wholesale items, but how do you ensure that the umbrella can be imported, that it’ll arrive on time and without damage, and that the quality of the umbrella is good? This article will outline steps to ensure your buying experience with goes as smoothly as possible, from ordering, finding a supplier, and delivering to your doorstep.

What Is, and How Does It Work?



Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce website that allows you to order products from Chinese manufacturers. It is a B2B platform, so it is designed such that you can buy in bulk with the intent to redistribute or retail the products you buy through the website. You can choose from millions of products, negotiate prices, and finalize your deal with a supplier online.

In this case, you want to order umbrellas. You want the convenience of going online to buy umbrellas for your business without leaving your home. The only catch is that you must know how to navigate the platform to find good-quality umbrellas online for reasonable prices. Luckily, there are reliable umbrella suppliers on platforms such as Alibaba.

How does Work?

Alibaba specializes in selling products to consumers. It was founded in 1999 and has become one of China’s largest online retailers. The site offers domestic and international shipping options and various payment options, making it easy for customers worldwide.

There are different ways to buy products on the Alibaba platform, depending on what kind of business you run. The registration options include;

Individual Member Registration: If you are an individual, this is the option for you. This option is recommended if you are only buying small amounts of goods (less than $500) and not reselling them to other people or businesses.

Company Registration: If you are an individual but want to sell larger quantities of goods, we recommend using this option as it gives you access to higher quantities at better prices. You can also register as an Individual Member if you want to sell services rather than products (e.g., graphic design).

Wholesale Member Registration: If your business is wholesaling goods or reselling products and services to other businesses, then we recommend using this option. It will give you access to wholesale pricing from Alibaba’s suppliers who specialize in selling wholesale items online.

Does Alibaba Offer Retail Services? is one of the largest B2B and B2C websites in China. It offers a wide range of products and services, including electronics, apparel, mobile phones, auto parts, and much more.

Alibaba allows international buyers to purchase directly from China via their website. They do not provide any retail services. If you want to purchase single retail products for personal use, you should try Taobao or Tmall instead.

Why Use Alibaba To Order Umbrellas? is a great place to buy goods, and there are many reasons why business owners use to order umbrellas. For example, if they are just starting out and don’t have a lot of capital, then Alibaba is useful for finding products made in China. This is great because it allows them to find companies that already have the infrastructure in place in China, and they will be able to manufacture your product and distribute the umbrellas on demand. Here are some more reasons why Alibaba is a great option for business owners;

  • Competitive Pricing
  • Huge selection
  • Unlimited quantity
  • Discounts on shopping
  • Fast delivery time
  • Quality materials and flexible prices

Competitive Pricing

Alibaba sellers set their own prices based on the market demand and competition in their industry. So, if you are looking for a specific product at a competitive price point, then Alibaba is the place for you!

Huge Selection

There are over 500 million products listed on Alibaba’s platform, with thousands of new products added every day! You can also find suppliers who specialize in manufacturing your desired product by region/country or color/size/style/etc. There is no excuse not to find what you need!

Unlimited Quantity.

Umbrellas on Alibaba can be ordered by the piece or by the container load, which is especially helpful when companies want to sell them in retail stores or online. If your business is looking for wholesale prices for umbrellas, it’s a good idea to take advantage of this option.

Discounts On Shipping

Whether you’re ordering one umbrella or 1,000 of them, discounts will be available. In fact, the more umbrellas you buy at once, the higher your discount will be. So if you’re looking to save money on bulk orders, Alibaba has a program that can help with that.

Businesses can also get a discount on shipping if they choose air freight delivery or express delivery options. Still, these may take up to one month for delivery, depending on where they are being shipped to and how quickly they need them.

Fast Delivery Times

Because of its huge scale and logistics network, Alibaba guarantees fast delivery times (excluding holidays) so that your order reaches your doorstep within 10 days after payment is confirmed!

Quality Materials And Flexible Prices

If you are looking to purchase umbrellas in bulk for advertisement, as a giveaway item, or create brand awareness for your business enterprise, you can buy good-quality umbrellas for very reasonable prices on Alibaba. Some companies even have an avenue to customize your order to the specific need.

Umbrella wholesaler

How Cheap Is Ordering From Alibaba?

You may wonder how cheap it would be to order umbrellas from If you compare them with other sites, you will see that they are much cheaper than other sites on the internet. This is because they have low overhead costs and don’t have to pay for storage or shipping expenses.

How To Create An Account On Alibaba

Creating an account on Alibaba is easy and takes a few minutes. You provide your name, email, and password when you sign up. It’s also helpful to use an email address that’s associated with the credit card you plan to use for payment. You’ll also need to provide a phone number—even if it’s from another country. This is because Alibaba plans to make free calls between buyers and sellers through their site in the future.

You don’t have to create an account before searching for products or shopping carts. Still, by doing so, you will be able to save items in your wish list or share them with other users via social media networks like Facebook or Twitter without having them share each item individually every time someone wants one specific thing from your cart/wishlist page instead of just sharing everything at once.

The Basics Of Ordering From

  • Finding the product you want to buy
  • Contacting a supplier
  • Negotiating the price with the supplier
  • Finalizing the deal

Alibaba Versus Aliexpress

Alibaba and Aliexpress are two of the largest online marketplaces in China. They both have a huge number of suppliers and products and offer a wide variety of services. However, there are some subtle differences between Alibaba and Aliexpress that you should know before placing an order from either one.

Alibaba is an online marketplace where sellers list their products and buyers buy them. Alibaba does not actually sell anything itself; it just helps connect buyers and sellers together. On the other hand, Aliexpress is an online shopping mall where you can purchase items from different sellers through one platform. Aliexpress does not sell any goods directly; rather, it acts as an intermediary between you as a buyer and the seller who has listed their product on the platform.

Alibaba sourcing

How To Order Umbrellas From Alibaba

Alibaba provides guidance to search for exactly what you’re looking for, but it may be helpful to know these terms before diving in.

To search for items on

  • Search by category (e.g., umbrellas)
  • Search by keyword (e.g., “custom printed umbrella”)
  • Search by the supplier (e.g., “xx umbrella”)
  • Product type (eg, indoor or outdoor)
  • Price range ($0 – $5; $5 – $10; etc.).

Step-by-step Process To Order Umbrellas On Alibaba

Umbrellas are one of the most popular giveaways business owners use. They are inexpensive, and they come in a variety of colors and styles. They can be used to promote your business and get your brand out there. You can also use them as an incentive for your customers or employees.

Umbrellas also make great advertisements for events such as conventions, trade shows, or any other outdoor event where people might need shade from the sun or rain protection from nature’s elements. So if that is any of the reasons your business needs umbrellas, here is a step-by-step process for ordering umbrellas from Alibaba;

Log in to your Alibaba account

To log in to your Alibaba account, you need to make sure that you have a valid email address and mobile number. You will also need to add a payment method so that you can use it for future purchases. The first time you buy from the Alibaba website, the site will ask for some details about yourself, such as your name, contact details, etc. Once all these things are done correctly and verified by the website admin team, you should be able to log into your account easily from thereon.

Search your type of umbrella

If you want to buy an umbrella, you should first search for the keyword “umbrella” on AliExpress. Once you have found a few choices, click on one of them and take a look at the product details.

Look for quality materials. The best umbrellas are made with durable materials, such as steel or fiberglass, that won’t break or wear out easily. You can also browse through specific manufacturers’ companies.

Choosing and contacting a supplier

After you’ve decided what you’re looking for, it’s time to find a supplier that can meet your needs. You have a few criteria to keep in mind when choosing one:

  • The rating of the supplier. Each supplier has an overall rating and scores for the six factors listed above (product quality, price, reputation, delivery time, and so on). A good rule of thumb is to choose suppliers with ratings above 90%, such as Hfumbrella in the case of umbrella manufacturers.
  • The quality of the product they offer. Check out as many reviews as possible before making your decision; reviews also appear on individual product pages.
  • The price of their products compared to similar ones from other suppliers—you don’t want to pay more than necessary.

alibaba umbrella

Negotiating the price and other details

Once you’ve found a supplier that you like, the next step is to negotiate the price and other details. has a “Chat Now” button on its website that will connect you with the supplier via live chat. The best way to get a good deal is by acting as if you’re in a store or market; this means not sending too many messages back and forth at once but rather doing just one thing at a time so that your message doesn’t get lost in their inbox.

When negotiating with your chosen supplier, be sure to ask for samples before committing yourself in any way—that way, if something goes wrong (and it probably won’t), then all parties involved can rest easy knowing that nothing was wasted by making an expensive purchase before getting approval from someone else first!

You’ll also want to make sure that whoever is selling these products has both positive reviews from past customers as well as positive reviews from other suppliers who have worked with them before—this way, there’s less chance of running into problems down the road later on down when things don’t go according to plan during production!

Finalizing the deal

Now that you’ve completed your research, found a supplier, and placed an order, it’s time to finalize the deal. This is when you confirm the order with your supplier and pay them for their goods. You’ll also be able to set a shipping date at this stage.

After making sure all of this is done, you can track the progress of your order until it arrives in your warehouse. Once it arrives, review it carefully before accepting payment from customers who have paid for items through eCommerce platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce.

Pay your bill

You can pay the bill with your credit card, debit card, or net banking. You can also use cash on delivery and Paytm to pay for your orders.


It will typically take five days to 1 month to receive your order based on your chosen shipping option. For example, it can take 1-3 days for delivery if you choose China Post Air Mail (small packet) or 1-6 weeks for delivery if you choose China Post Registered Air Mail.

Some customers have had their umbrellas delivered within a few days, and others have waited anywhere from one week to three months. Pay attention to shipping costs before buying! Sometimes the shipping cost is more than the amount you are paying for the umbrella itself. If this is true, then consider other options, such as purchasing them through a domestic store or directly from an Alibaba factory or supplier in person instead of ordering online from China directly!

Searching For Suppliers On Alibaba

Looking for suppliers on is a great way to source products and services for your business. But with over 1 million suppliers and 5 million active buyers, it is important to know how to find what you need.

Searching for suppliers on can be done using the following methods:

Keyword Searching – If you already have a product or service in mind, search for it by typing keywords into the search box at the top of any page on For example, if you are looking for a supplier of umbrellas, type “umbrella” into the search box and then select “China Suppliers” from the drop-down menu. This will return a page of results with all suppliers who list “umbrella” as part of their product line. You can narrow down your search by selecting other criteria such as location or industry (e.g., “China Suppliers,” “Manufacturing Industry”).

Product Categories – When searching for products or services that fall under specific categories, use the category listing pages to find suppliers who offer those products or services. You can browse categories that are classified according to different criteria such as product type, material, and country of origin.

Browse Suppliers: You can also browse all suppliers on who have registered as members of the site. If a supplier has multiple categories listed in his/her profile, you will be able to select one of them for browsing purposes only if that category is relevant to umbrellas for example; “umbrella suppliers”

Search by Supplier Name: If you know the name of your preferred supplier and wish to find out whether he/she has an online presence on or not, then this option may be useful for you. For example; “Hfumbrella umbrellas”

logo market umbrella

MOQ And Negotiation With Suppliers

MOQ – Minimum Order Quantity

After finding a supplier, the next step is negotiation. Some manufacturers have minimum order quantities (MOQs). This means that if you want to order less than 500 umbrellas, they may charge more per umbrella. MOQs vary from one manufacturer to another, but you can usually find them in the product description or on their website.

The minimum order quantity (MOQ) is the smallest number of units that you can order from a supplier. The MOQ is usually based on the minimum order value (MOV) and can be adjusted by the supplier if needed.

MOV – Minimum Order Value

The minimum order value (MOV) is the total cost of your order, including shipping fees and taxes, divided by the number of items ordered in an item group. For example, if your MOV is $100 and you want to buy 5 umbrellas of different colors, then your MOV will be $20 ($100 / 5).

Negotiation with Suppliers

If you need more than one product or want to reduce costs, you might want to negotiate with suppliers. Your goal should be to negotiate as low of a price as possible, but there’s more to it than that. You also want to ensure that your products meet your requirements while still being profitable for the manufacturer and distributor. If you’re ordering a large number of umbrellas and they all meet your specifications, then you may not need to negotiate much at all.

For example, if you order 1000 umbrellas from China at $1 each and they meet your requirements, then there’s no point in negotiating because the supplier has already accepted your terms and conditions. But suppose one of the umbrellas doesn’t meet your requirements or does not satisfy quality control regulations. In that case, it’s worth negotiating for replacement units or refunds in order to avoid losing money by sending defective products out into the world (which can damage reputation).

Asking For A Sample Of Umbrella Before Mass Production

Asking for a sample of an umbrella before mass production is a good idea. This will help you to check the quality of the umbrella and make sure that it meets your requirements. You can also check the pricing and compare it with other suppliers. A sample is also an important tool for you to determine whether or not the company’s products meet your requirements. Sample orders are usually free and can be completed within 5-10 days.

For instance, you just ordered 5000 umbrellas from a new supplier and want to know whether they are high quality or not. In this case, we highly recommend you to ask for a sample first and then decide whether you want to proceed with mass production or not.

The sample is usually charged by the seller. The charge can be refunded if the quality of your product is good enough.

Safe Ways To Make Payments Easily

At the end of the negotiations comes payment. You can pay for your order in several different ways, depending on the type of seller you are dealing with. If you are ordering from a wholesaler, it is likely that they will accept payment by bank transfer, Western Union, or Moneygram. This is because they usually sell in bulk and need to be able to get their money quickly.

If you are buying from an individual or small business, it is likely that they will accept PayPal or credit cards. This is because it’s easier for them to do this type of transaction and there are fewer risks involved for them.

You should always make sure that your payment method and your goods match up before sending money to anyone. For example, if you’re buying a product from a wholesaler who only accepts bank transfers, then don’t send them a PayPal invoice!

umbrella delivery

Using Alibaba Shipping To Deliver Your Umbrellas

Alibaba shipping is the best way to get your products delivered to your company. The Alibaba shipping process is easy and convenient.

There are thousands of suppliers on Alibaba – if you search for ‘umbrella’ or ‘poncho’, you’ll find many different suppliers who sell these items. However, not all of them will be able to ship their products directly from China using Alibaba shipping. In fact, most of them won’t be able to do this because they don’t have their own warehouses in China where they store their goods before sending them out.

This means that if you want a supplier who can ship your product directly from China using Alibaba shipping, then it’s important that you ask them if they will be able to do this before placing an order with them or accepting one of their offers.

You can use the Alibaba shipping service to arrange delivery of your products from any location in the world to any location in the world. This means that you could have your product shipped from China directly to your customer, or you can have it shipped from China via another country first before reaching your customer’s address.

Types Of Shipping Methods On Alibaba

Alibaba offers a wide range of shipping methods for your umbrella order, including free shipping and express delivery.

Free Shipping

To encourage customers to buy more and spend more money, Alibaba offers free shipping for many products that are sold on their site. This means free shipping is available on most items on Alibaba’s marketplace. Still, it’s not always the best option because it can take several weeks or longer for your package to arrive at its destination.

Free shipping is usually provided by DHL/FedEx/UPS or other courier companies. You can check the shipping options for each product when you add it to your shopping cart. If you want to save money, you may consider choosing a product that offers free shipping and paying for express delivery instead.

Express Shipping

If you need your umbrellas quickly, you should consider paying extra for express delivery services like DHL/Fed Express/UPS, etc. These companies offer fast delivery times at reasonable prices, but they are more expensive than the normal delivery services offered by Alibaba.

The most important thing to remember when using Alibaba Shipping is that there are many options available for delivery times and methods. So, it is best to ensure you choose a combination of options that work best for your business. This way, you will be satisfied with how quickly you get their order and how much you pay for the shipping.

Freight Forwarder To Get The Umbrellas At Your Doorstep

If you are planning to order umbrellas from, you need to know about freight forwarding.

Freight forwarding is the process of arranging the shipment of goods from one location to another place. It is usually done by a freight forwarder who works with various carriers such as airlines, shipping lines, trucking companies, and other transportation providers.

The main purpose of freight forwarding is to ship goods from one place to another safely and in a timely manner. The services also include the customs clearance, documentation processing, and insurance.

The exact steps will vary depending on where you’re located, but here’s an example:

  • Find a freight forwarder on Alibaba is like a Craigslist for international trade. It connects buyers and sellers from all over the world. If you live in the U.S., look for a freight forwarder based in China or Hong Kong (or another nearby country). If you live in Europe, look for one that specializes in European countries.
  • . Contact them via email or phone call to set up an account and discuss your needs. You can pay them directly with cash or by credit card (Visa/MasterCard). They’ll usually ask for an upfront deposit first to secure their services and then charge you per shipment afterward (typically around $100-$200 per container).


How Long Does Alibaba Take To Ship To The USA?

Alibaba ships internationally, with free shipping available on orders over $15 USD. In the United States, the estimated delivery time for most products is 15 business days by air mail (EMS).

Still, some items can be delivered sooner than that depending on how quickly they are processed by customs officials at the country’s port of entry. Many people report receiving their packages within 10 days of ordering them online; others say that it took about two weeks for their items to arrive at their doorsteps.

There are also a number of factors that can affect how long it takes for your products to get from China to the United States. The most important factor is shipping method and logistics. The following are some examples of common shipping methods that might affect the delivery period:

Air Shipping: air cargo is usually fully loaded with other cargo, so you will have to pay additional fees if there is not enough space available on the airplane. However, air cargo is the fastest way to ship goods from China to the USA, so it’s worth paying the extra money if necessary.

Ocean Shipping: this is a slower way of transporting goods from China to the United States because it takes longer than air freight, but it also has its advantages. For example, ocean shipping does not require customs clearance, unlike air freight; ocean freight is more expensive than air freight due to higher transportation costs and lower capacity on board vessels.

umbrella manufacturer workerCHINA

Reliable Umbrella Manufacturers On Alibaba

When you are looking for an umbrella, the first thing that comes to mind is the quality and durability of the umbrella. This is where Hfumbrella plays a vital role in providing the best quality umbrellas to its customers.

As a manufacturing company in China, Hfumbrella offers different types of umbrellas for customers to choose from in various sizes, colors, and styles. Also, Hfumbrella manufactures its own umbrellas from scratch; hence customers can get the exact design of umbrellas they desire rather than limiting their options to readymade products.

How To Inspect The Quality Of Umbrellas Ordered From Alibaba

Quality inspection is important in any business. If you are an online entrepreneur looking to import umbrellas from Alibaba, getting the best quality products is even more important.

Here are some tips on how to inspect the quality of your umbrellas from

  • Inspect the packaging of the product when you get a sample. The package should be in good condition and not damaged in any way.
  • Check for any signs of damage or improper packaging before accepting the delivery of your order. If there is something wrong with your order, you can reject it and ask for a refund or replacement if necessary.
  • Inspect each umbrella carefully when it arrives so that you can find out whether there are any visible defects before use or sale as this will save you from incurring losses later on after you have sold them to customers or used them yourself!

How To Handle Case Of Unsatisfactory Quality

If you’re ordering a large number of umbrellas from Alibaba, it’s worth checking the quality before you place your order. If you find something wrong with the sample umbrella, it’s best to let the supplier know immediately so they have time to fix it before production starts. You can also ask them if they can provide a sample of an improved version or a replacement umbrella at no cost to you.

If this is not possible, then you may want to consider another supplier who can deliver on your requirements.

Suppose you have received a product from that is in poor condition or has been damaged during shipping. These are the advised steps to tackle the issue;

  • Contact the seller and confirm the problem.
  • Take photos of the products and send them to the seller for confirmation.
  • If confirmed, give an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and send back the package with a reason code written on the official letterhead.

In some cases, like if you order 1,000+ units and receive unsatisfactory quality. Alibaba does not require you to return the goods for a refund or replacement. Instead, Alibaba will deduct 10% from your total payment for this order as compensation for the bad quality products received by you.

alibaba service guy

Is Alibaba Safe?

Yes, Alibaba is a safe place to buy goods. You can find many high-quality products and manufacturers on Alibaba that you would not be able to find in your local area.

There are various ways Alibaba uses to protect its customers. For example, the Alibaba Trade Assurance. It is a financial protection system to ensure your payments and deliveries when you shop on global trading sites.

Alibaba Trade Assurance is one of the most important features of Alibaba’s shopping platform. In order to apply for the program, you need to fill out an application form on Alibaba’s website and then wait for approval. Once approved, you can start doing business with other sellers with peace of mind that your orders will be delivered as agreed upon. If there are any problems or delays in delivery, Alibaba will refund you for your losses.

In addition, Alibaba offers a “Buyer Protection Program” that protects buyers against fraudulent sellers who do not deliver their products or provide any customer service. This protection covers all payment methods and lasts for 45 days from the date of purchase. If a buyer does not receive their product within 45 days of ordering it, then they can file a complaint with Alibaba for free and get their money back.


As we have seen, ordering umbrellas from Alibaba is quite easy. Now you can order umbrellas without stress for all your branding needs. It is the best place to link with reliable and trustworthy manufacturers. If premium quality and uniqueness are the features you seek in your umbrellas, Hfumbrella will help you achieve them. Meanwhile, do well to remember these tips to make your next umbrella shopping on Alibaba go smoothly.